Shuffling the order of an array with Javascript


In this post, I’ll show you how to shuffle the order of an array in Javascript.

For this example, we will need an array of string values, something like this:

var greeknumbers = new Array();
greeknumbers[0] = "alpha";
greeknumbers[1] = "beta";
greeknumbers[2] = "gamma";
greeknumbers[3] = "delta";
greeknumbers[4] = "epsilon";
greeknumbers[5] = "zeta";
greeknumbers[6] = "omega";
greeknumbers[7] = "sigma";
greeknumbers[8] = "psi";
greeknumbers[9] = "chi";

Next, we will need the following Array.prototype constructor.

Array.prototype.shuffle = function() {
	var len = this.length;
	for (var i = 0; i<len; i++) {
		var rand = Math.floor(Math.random()*len);
		//swap current index with a random one
		var temp = this[i];
		this[i] = this[rand];
		this[rand] = temp;

(You can learn more about these at this link on

If we were to log this array to the console we would see this:

["alpha", "beta", "gamma", "delta", "epsilon", "zeta", "omega", "sigma", "psi", "chi"]

This is listing out the array in it’s initial order.

To shuffle the order of this array, we run the shullfe Array.prototype on our array like this:


This function returns nothing, but it re-arranges the order of the array. So if we now log the array to the console, we would see something like this:

["delta", "chi", "beta", "gamma", "sigma", "psi", "alpha", "zeta", "epsilon", "omega"]

The arrays order has been re-sorted or shuffled in a random order!

So what is this actually doing? Lets work it out, step by step.

First, we create our Array.prototype constructor:

Array.prototype.shuffle = function() {

Next, we create a variable to store the length of the array.

Array.prototype.shuffle = function() {
	var len = this.length;

Then, we create a loop over the arrays length

Array.prototype.shuffle = function() {
	var len = this.length;
	for (var i = 0; i<len; i++) {		

Then, inside this loop, we create a variable to store a random number according to the the arrays length

Array.prototype.shuffle = function() {
	var len = this.length;
	for (var i = 0; i<len; i++) {
		var rand = Math.floor(Math.random()*len);		

To explain what this on line is doing, I will start from the inner-most statements. Math.random() will generate a random number, as puts it:

The Math.random() function returns a floating-point, pseudo-random number in the range 0–1 (inclusive of 0, but not 1) with approximately uniform distribution over that range — which you can then scale to your desired range. The implementation selects the initial seed to the random number generation algorithm; it cannot be chosen or reset by the user.


Then we multiply the returned random number by the length of the array, this is to ensure that we get a number within the range of our arrays length.

Math.random will return a floating point number, which we don’t want, so we wrap that in a Math.floor call, which will return an integer.

If we were to log tihs the console, our code at this point would return something like the following:


OK, so the next thing we do, is to swap the items in the array with the random number we have found in the previous line.

Array.prototype.shuffle = function() {
	var len = this.length;
	for (var i = 0; i<len; i++) {
		var rand = Math.floor(Math.random()*len);
		//swap current index with a random one
		var temp = this[i];
		this[i] = this[rand];
		this[rand] = temp;

And that’s it! If you found this code useful, please leave a comment!

Display a random word in a list of words using Javascript


Ever have a list of values and you want to pick a random item in the list?

Here’s how I would do this.

First, we start with our random number function, as follows:

function randomNum(minVal, maxVal) {
	do {
		r = Math.random();
	} while (r == 1);
	return minVal+Math.floor(r*(maxVal+1-minVal));

The randomNum function, accepts two arguments, minimum value (minVal) and a maximum value (maxVal),  these will be the lowest number and the highest number in your range of numbers, it returns a random number between the two numbers passed to it.

So lets say you have an array of words, something like this:

var greeknumbers = new Array();
greeknumbers[0] = "alpha";
greeknumbers[1] = "beta";
greeknumbers[2] = "gamma";
greeknumbers[3] = "delta";
greeknumbers[4] = "epsilon";
greeknumbers[5] = "zeta";
greeknumbers[6] = "omega";
greeknumbers[7] = "sigma";
greeknumbers[8] = "psi";
greeknumbers[9] = "chi";

If we wanted to get a random item from this list, we would do the following:

console.log(greeknumbers[randomNum(0, greeknumbers.length)]);

Lets break-down what this is doing, starting from the inside.

The randomNum function is being executed, and has zero (0) passed into it as the minVal, and the length of our array as the maxVal (in this case, it would be 10).

randomNum(0, greeknumbers.length);

If we were to execute this in our console, we would see a random number in between 0 and 10.

To refer to a specific item in our array, we can refer to a specific array index:

greeknumbers[0]; //this will return "alpha", the first item in our array.

So in our above example, all we are doing is passing a random number to our array, which in turn displays the random value at that array index!

Try it yourself, or you can download an example of this here: random-words-in-a-list.js.

I hope this was helpful to you, let me know if you have any other ways of doing this, I’d be curious to know!

Creating a simple Tic-Tac-Toe (or Naughts and Crosses) game in Javascript and jQuery

css html javascript jquery

In this tutorial, I will show you how to create a Tic Tac Toe game using Javascript and jQuery.

When we are complete, it will look something like the following:


I’ll explain how I did this, step by step, so that you can create a Tic Tac Toes game too!

If you’re time poor, and just want to skip to the facts, I got you, use the links below to skip to the relevant part for you, or read on to continue.

Lets go!

The concept, how does the game work?

The first thing to think about is the layout of the game as HTML. I’ve seen other examples on the web using a table to layout the ‘panels’ (as I called them) of the game. And while it’s a relatively straightforward way to visualise the game, its not really necessary, and its actually a problem to try and understand the games logic.

Instead, this example will use a linear sequence of “panels”, floated left within a fixed width container to simulate the appearance of a game grid. This will then enable us to conceptualise the games options in a linear way. If this doesn’t make sense right away, stick with me, it will eventually.

So, with that in mind, lets work out all the possible winning combinations.

As we can see, there are 8 possible winning combinations, pretty straightforward so far.
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Create the necessary files

Now that we understand how the game works, lets create all the files we will need for our game.

File name Description
game.htm The HMTL file that contains most of the content of the game.
css/game.css All css styles are contained within this file.
js/jquery.js The javascript library that game.js refers to.
js/game.js The main javascript file, contains most of the code for the functionality of the game.

Lets break down what these files actually do.
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Creating the HTML elements of the game (game.htm)

The first thing we want to do, us to create our standard HTML markup, linking in our jQuery library, our game.js Javascript file and our game.css stylesheet file. We also need to create a container to store all the required elements of our game (we will call this our “game-container“):

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<title>TIC TAC TOE - Adam Lemmo</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/game.js"></script>
<link href="css/game.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
	<div id="game-container">

Within the “game-container“, we will create an introduction message, that will also contain our character selections, like this:

<div id="game-container">
  <div id="introduction">
    <h1>TIC TAC TOE</h1>
    <p>Try to beat the computer!</p>
    <p>Select your character:</p>
    <form id="character-selections">
      <input type="radio" id="X" name="selections" value="X" checked="yes"/>
      <label for="X">X</label>
      <input type="radio" id="O" name="selections" value="O"/>
      <label for="O">O</label>
    <a href="#" id="startBtn">Start game</a>

Next, we will add our game panels (the actual Tic Tac Toe board), and a “Feedback” screen (to display Game Over man!) and finally, a score element, to track the players score:

<div id="game-container">
  <div id="introduction">
    <h1>TIC TAC TOE</h1>
    <p>Try to beat the computer!</p>
    <p>Select your character:</p>
    <form id="character-selections">
      <input type="radio" id="X" name="selections" value="X" checked="yes"/>
      <label for="X">X</label>
      <input type="radio" id="O" name="selections" value="O"/>
      <label for="O">O</label>
    <a href="#" id="startBtn">Start game</a> </div>
	<div id="game-area">
		<a href="#" class="panel"></a>
		<a href="#" class="panel"></a>
		<a href="#" class="panel"></a>
		<a href="#" class="panel"></a>
		<a href="#" class="panel"></a>
		<a href="#" class="panel"></a>
		<a href="#" class="panel"></a>
		<a href="#" class="panel"></a>
		<a href="#" class="panel"></a>
  <div id="feedback">
    <h1>GAME OVER</h1>
    <a href="#" id="startAgainBtn">Start again</a> </div>
<div class="container">
  <div id="score">
    <p>Score: 0</p>

As you can see here, we have also created the player selections (X or O) and the startBtn button, which will as it suggests, start our game!

If you have followed this far, the complete HTML file should look as follows:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<title>TIC TAC TOE - Adam Lemmo</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/game.js"></script>
<link href="css/game.css" rel="stylesheet"/>

<div id="game-container">
  <div id="introduction">
    <h1>TIC TAC TOE</h1>
    <p>Try to beat the computer!</p>
    <p>Select your character:</p>
    <form id="character-selections">
      <input type="radio" id="X" name="selections" value="X" checked="yes"/>
      <label for="X">X</label>
      <input type="radio" id="O" name="selections" value="O"/>
      <label for="O">O</label>
    <a href="#" id="startBtn">Start game</a> </div>
	<div id="game-area">
		<a href="#" class="panel"></a>
		<a href="#" class="panel"></a>
		<a href="#" class="panel"></a>
		<a href="#" class="panel"></a>
		<a href="#" class="panel"></a>
		<a href="#" class="panel"></a>
		<a href="#" class="panel"></a>
		<a href="#" class="panel"></a>
		<a href="#" class="panel"></a>
  <div id="feedback">
    <h1>GAME OVER</h1>
    <a href="#" id="startAgainBtn">Start again</a> </div>
<div class="container">
  <div id="score">
    <p>Score: 0</p>

Now that we have our HTML sorted, lets get stuck into writing the Javascript code of our game.
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The Javascript functions of the game (game.js)

The Javascript of the game has four custom functions:

Function Description
startGame() This function as it states, starts the game, it is triggered from the startBtn link.
selectPanel() This function is triggered from the panels in the layout of the game, it is a central function to the game, and represents the users actions in the game.
computerMove() This function represents the actions of the computer, and it follows the order of the aiOrder[] array.
checkCombination() This function is the most generic function in the code, but also the most complex, it checks the users and computers progress in the game, and compares it to the list of valid combinations in the game rules. This function also determines the completion of the game, whether it’s the user or the computer that wins, or if a draw, or ‘tie’ is encountered.

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Initialising the game

The first thing we do, is to initialise some variables that will be used in our game:

//player characters, can be changed if needed...
var userChar = "X";
var computerChar = "O";
var gameOver = false;//gets set to the true when the game is over.
var scoreCount = 0;//set to zero initially, increments by 1 for every winning game.

And now we want to create and store the winning combinations of the game.

Rererring to our earlier breakdown of the winning combinations, we can represent as a linear sequence, in the following way:

We can then use this representation of the winning combinations as a series of arrays:

//all the possible ways to win/winning combinations...
var row1 = [1, 2, 3];
var row2 = [4, 5, 6];
var row3 = [7, 8, 9];
var col1 = [1, 4, 7];
var col2 = [2, 5, 8];
var col3 = [3, 6, 9];
var diag1 = [1, 5, 9];
var diag2 = [3, 5, 7];
//collect all winning combinations...
var rules = [row1, row2, row3, col1, col2, col3, diag1, diag2];
var aiOrder = [4, 0, 8, 5, 1, 7, 2, 6, 3];//an array to store the order of the computers turns...

Now that we have all of our variables initialised, we can now focus on initialising the screen.

Because we are using jQuery, we will use the $(document).ready() function:

$(document).ready(function() {//when the document is ready/loaded...	
	$("#score p").hide();
	$("#introduction #startBtn").bind("click", startGame);
	$("#game-area .panel").each(function(i){//apply an id to all the panels...
		$(this).addClass("enabled").attr("id", "panel"+i);
	$("#game-area .panel.enabled").bind("click", selectPanel);//apply a click event to all the panels...
	//the click event for the start again button within the feedback div.
	$("#feedback #startAgainBtn").click(function(){
		$(this).parent().fadeOut();//hide thefeedback div once selected..
		$("#game-area .panel").empty().bind("click", selectPanel).css({"cursor":"pointer"}).removeClass("winner").addClass("enabled");//reset the games state to start again...
		gameOver = false;

As you can see, this will hide the game area, the score, and the feedback.

It also binds the startGame function to the #startBtn button, loops over all the panels, and gives them an id, and assigns a click event to the #startAgainBtn button, for when the game is complete.
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The startGame() function

This function is executed when the player selects the #startBtn button in the #introduction screen.

The startGame() function checks which character the player selected, fades the introduction screen out, and shows the score.

function startGame(){	
	$(this).parent().fadeOut();//hide thefeedback div once selected..	
	if($('input[name=selections]:checked', '#character-selections').val() === "X"){
		userChar = "X";
		computerChar = "O";
	} else {
		userChar = "O";
		computerChar = "X";
	$("#score p").show();		

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The selectPanel() function

This function is executed when the player selects one of the panels.

Once this is done, the panel is disabled (using the jQuery unbind method to remove the click event).

It also loops over the rules (a collection of the winning combination arrays) and runs the checkCombination() function, passing in the rules iterator to check all combinations.

function selectPanel(e){//invoked when the panel is selected, in this case, from a click event...	
	//this panel has it's click event removed, it's cursor set to default and it's no longer enabled, so this class is removed...
	//loop over all of our rules...
	for (var i = 0;i<rules.length;i++){
		checkCombination(rules[i], userChar);//and execute our function to check all the combinations...
	if(!gameOver){//if it isnt game over, then let the computer have a turn.
		computerMove();//the computers turn is executed with this function.
	e.preventDefault();//prevent the default behaviour of the a tag selected.

The last thing this function does, is to check if the game isn’t over, by checking the gameOver variable. The gameOver variable is set by the previously mentioned checkCombination() function.

if the game isn’t over  (gameOver is false), then the computerMove() function is executed.
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The computerMove() function

This function executes when the game isn’t over. It loops over the aiOrder array, checks to see if the panel referred to in the loop is empty (“”) and if so, it applies the computer character to the panel.

function computerMove() {	
	for (var i = 0;i<aiOrder.length;i++){//loop over the order array...
		if($("#game-area #panel"+aiOrder[i]).text()=== ""){//if the panel selected in this loop is empty...
			//...then apply the computers character to the panel, take away its click event, set the cursor to default, and remove the enabled class...
			$("#game-area #panel"+aiOrder[i]).text(computerChar).unbind("click").css({"cursor":"default"}).removeClass("enabled");
			break;//stop further execution of the outer loop.
	for (var j = 0;j<rules.length;j++){
		checkCombination(rules[j], computerChar);//check the combinations of the computer player...

The function then loops over the rules array, and executes the checkCombination() function.
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The checkCombination() function

This function checks all of the panels to see if there are any winning combinations, updates the score and checks if the game is a tie game.

Check the comments in the following code, for a step by step breakdown of this function:

//generic function to check either players progress in the game...
function checkCombination(arr, playerChar){	
	var correctNum = 0;//stores the correct number selected by the player.
	var panelCount = 0;//stores the panel count selected.
	var thisNum;//refers to the current number selected
	$("#game-area .panel").each(function(i){//iterate over the panels...
		thisNum = (i+1);//increment our thisNum var, it's 0 based.
		if($("#game-area .panel").eq(i).text() === playerChar){//check if the current panel has the players char in it.
			for (var j = 0;j<arr.length;j++){//loop over the length of the array passed into this function...
				if(thisNum === arr[j]){//check this num against the passed in array...
					correctNum += 1;//test is true, we are correct, increment our correctnum var.
	if(correctNum === arr.length){//if correct num is equal to the arrays length, we are all correct	!		
		$("#feedback").fadeIn().children("p").text('"'+playerChar+'"'+' has won!');//show the feedback message, indicating which player has won!
		$("#game-area .panel.enabled").unbind("click").css({"cursor":"default"}).removeClass("enabled");//disable all the panels, game is over!
		for (var k = 0;k<arr.length;k++){//loop over the winning array found...
			$("#game-area #panel"+(arr[k]-1)).addClass("winner");//add a class to the winning panels! 
		scoreCount +=1;
		$("#score p").text("Score: "+scoreCount);
		gameOver = true;		
	//determine if game is a tie...
	$("#game-area .panel").each(function(){//loop over all the panels...
		if($(this).text()!==""){//check if the current iterator of the loop is not an empty string...
			panelCount+= 1;//add to our panel count.
	});//show the feedback indicating game is a tie...
	if(panelCount === $("#game-area .panel").length){//if panel count indicates that all panels are filled, then...
		$("#feedback").fadeIn().children("p").text("Game is a tie!");//show the message that the game is a tie!

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The CSS of the game (game.css)

Most of the games CSS is contained within a single rule called #game-container. With the exception of the score, which is separate to the major elements of the game.

If you were to include this on your own page, you would need to wrap it all in another container, and because a combination of relative and absolute positioning is used, it should work reasonably well within another context.

Feel free to modify this to your own designs!


All going well, you should have a complete Tic Tac Toe game written in Javscript/jQuery!


The following sites were used as references and inspiration for this game.

File name Description
Javascript Kit – Tic Tac Toe credit: Cory Fogliani  This page gave me insight into the rules of the computer player/AI, I was a bit disappointed with the repetitious code however, so I made my logic loop through the rules instead.
Compare array in Javascript on Stackoverflow  Compare array in javascript
How to know if two arrays have the same-values on Stackoverflow  How to know if two arrays have the same values
Javascript array comparison by vikasrao  JavaScript – Common Array operations

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial, please let me know in the comments if you have any observations on this post!

You can download a complete .zip file of the game here lemmoscripts-tic-tac-toe.
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Adding a timecode in After Effects using an Expression

After Effects After Effects Expressions javascript

In this tutorial, I will show you how to create a customisable timecode/timeline counter using an After Effects Expression. Specifically, something like the following:

If you’re time poor, and just want to skip to the facts, I got you, use the links below to skip to the relevant part for you, or read on to continue.


I’ve seen a few videos on YouTube about this topic, and while they are all fine, they just weren’t what I wanted for a video I am currently creating.

Most people were talking about the Timecode Video Effect, which is built-in to After Effects, but that doesn’t allow you to change the font.

Or another example was using an Expression to count, which DID allow you to customise the font, but it didn’t count up based on the current time.

And it’s also possible to do this in Premiere as well, but I really wanted to give it a go in AE, as it’s better for doing animated stuff.

Here’s two example videos that I consulted for some inspiration, but ultimately gave up on as they didn’t meet my unique requirements! 😛

I also consulted an old Creative Cow page, that had an example of an “Expression for Digital 24 Hours clock“. This was a good start, but I wanted to add some more to it to suit my particular requirements.

And finally, I consulted this Adobe page, as it had some code references, if you want to do more with Expressions in After Effects, check this page out.

Ultimately, my goal was to create an old VHS time code effect, something like this…

(Check out this video for some more VHS nostalgia feels)

Read on to see how to do this!

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Step 1 – Creating your After Effects Project

Open After Effects, I’m using the latest version at the time of this post (After Effects CC 2018) but this should work in earlier versions.

Select “New Composition

Update the settings in the Composition Setting dialog to suit your needs, I have a specific width, height, frame rate and duration, but yours may vary (I made the duration go for an hour just to prove the point of this functionality, but it’s not necessary).

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Step 2 – Adding the text layer

With your composition created, create a text layer by selecting “Layer” > “New” > “Text“.

Open the “Character” panel from the right of the After Effects window, and select your chosen font and style, I selected a custom Commodore 64 font, and made it reasonably large and centered it on the composition.

I also typed some numbers on the text layer just to see it, this isnt important, as it will get overwritten, but if you need a handle to grab onto, this is a way to do it.

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Step 3 – Adding the expression

Go to the “Effects & Presets” panel, and under “Expression Controls“, select “Slider Control“, and drag it to your text layer.

Expand the “Text” layer, then the “Text” property of the layer, the “Effects” property, and then the “Slider Control“, it should look as follows:

Then click and hold down your left mouse button on the “Pick Whip” icon on the “Source Text” stop watch, and drag it to the “Slider” stop watch in the “Slider Control” effect, refer to the following:

You will notice that the number on your text layer has changed, that’s because the “Source Text” of the text layer, is being controlled by the “Slider Control“.

Next, select “Expression: Source Text” under the “Source Text” stop watch, and then select and delete the default expression (use CTRL/CMD + A to make sure it’s empty)

Replace it with the following:

function pad(str, max) {
	str = str.toString();
	return str.length < max ? pad("0" + str, max) : str;

function digits(myVal, myNumDigits, myPad) {
	var s = myVal.toString();
	while (s.length < myNumDigits) s = '0' + s;	
	return pad(Math.floor(s), myPad);

hr = digits(time / 3600, 1, 1);
min = digits(time % 3600 / 60, 2, 2);
sec = digits(time % 60, 2, 2);

"SLP " + hr + ":" + min + ":" + sec;

If all goes well, your composition should look as follows:

Grab the Time scrubber and skip ahead a few frames, the text on the text layer should change to reflect the current time in the composition!

If all goes well, your composition should look as follows…

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Step 4 – The Expression explained

Here’s an explanation of the Expression.

The “pad” and “digits” functions are string formatting functions.

function pad(str, max) {
	str = str.toString();
	return str.length & lt;
	max ? pad("0" + str, max) : str;

The “pad” function, adds 0 (zero) to the left of one of the time numbers when it is called, that’s its only purpose.

Next is the digits function:

function digits(myVal, myNumDigits, myPad) {
	var s = myVal.toString();
	while (s.length & lt; myNumDigits) s = '0' + s;
	return pad(Math.floor(s), myPad);

The “digits” function formats the values (myVal, myNumDigits and myPad) passed to it. It uses a while loop to restrict the number of digits to the specified  amount passed to it.

This function also calls the “pad” function when returning the Math.floor’d value of the passed time number, and passes on the specified pad amount as well.

The next three lines are variables that store the hours, minutes and seconds values.

hr = digits(time / 3600, 1, 1);
min = digits(time % 3600 / 60, 2, 2);
sec = digits(time % 60, 2, 2);

These variables call the digits function in three different ways, by passing in the “time” value (an AE constant of sorts), performs simple calculations on the time number to get the hours, minutes and seconds, then restricts the numbers to 1 digit for hours, 2 digits for minutes, and 2 digits for seconds. The last passed parameter is the amount of pad required, because our VHS example only has 1 digit required for hours, (most likely because VHS tapes didn’t go past 9 hours? who knows, that’s the retro format).

The last line in the Expression, concatenates the previous variables together, and gets displayed in the Composition (the SLP and colon : characters, complete the effect).

"SLP " + hr + ":" + min + ":" + sec;

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Step 5 – Customising the Expression

To customise the Expression, it all depends on the types of things you want to do.

You can remove the SLP and colon characters from the string by replacing the above with this:

hr + min + sec;

Or you could add something different around the time values.

"The time is " + hr + "|" + min + "|" + sec;

The possibilities are endless.
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And that brings us to the end of this tutorial!

If you want the .aep file for this project, you can download it here:

I hope this was informative, and you can make amazing retro VHS videos to your hearts content!

Get numbers from strings in Javascript


Here’s a small javascript utility function to get numbers from strings.

String.prototype.getNum = function() {
	thisNum = '';
	for (var i = 0; i<this.length; i++) {
		myChar = this.charAt(i);
		if (!isNaN(myChar)) {
			thisNum += myChar;
	return thisNum;

This is how you use it.

var myString = "this is number 67890";
console.log(myString.getNum());  //returns 67890

Hope this helps! 🙂

Replace strings with other strings in Javascript


Here’s a small javascript replace utility function that has been useful to me in the past.

String.prototype.replace = function(strReplaced,strReplacedWith) {
	return this.split(strReplaced).join(strReplacedWith);

Here’s an explanation of how to use it in your own scripts.

myString.replace("replace this","with this");

If your string has line breaks, use the following…

myString.replace("\r","<br/>"); //and reverse when displaying in text areas

Hope you find this useful! 🙂