How to validate a Credit Card Number – The Luhn algorithm (mod 10)

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I was reminded today of the “Luhn algorithm” or Mod 10 as it’s sometimes known.

Wikipedia has a pretty solid explanation of it that you can check out below.

On that same page is some pseudo code to check if the number being evaluated conforms to mod 10.

function checkLuhn(string purportedCC) {
    int nDigits := length(purportedCC)
    int sum := 0;
    int parity := (nDigits-2)modulus 2 
    for i from 0 to nDigits - 1 {
        int digit := integer(purportedCC[i])
        if i modulus 2 = parity 
            digit := digit × 2 
        if digit > 9 
            digit := digit - 9 
        sum := sum + digit 
    return (sum modulus 10) = 0 

I had to use this function in a previous life to validate credit card numbers on a major Australian Banks website! Previous to doing that, I had no idea I could execute on, or even comprehend such a thing, the word “algorithm” sounds scary. But it’s really not that difficult to understand, and is more simple than I prevously imagined a credit card number to be.

This is how you validate a Credit Card Number

Example credit card number

4 0 1 2 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 8 8 1

Step 1 – Starting at the second last number, at every second number, double the number

For example: as you can see above, 8×2 = 16 etc.

Step 2 – When you double the number, if the result is a two digit number, like 16 in the previous step, then take the two digits of that number, and add them together ie:- take 16, add 1 to 6 ie:- 1+6 = 7

For example: take 16, add 1 to 6 ie: 16 becomes 1+6 = 7

Step 3 – Take every other number from the top row, and insert them next to the numbers in the previous step.

Form example: column two is 0, column four is 2

Step 4 – Add all the digits in the sequence, if the final sum can be evenly divided by 10, then it is a valid credit card number!

8+0+2+2+7+8+7+8+7+8+7+8+2+8+7+1 = 90